王贝贝,女,理学博士,硕士生导师。2017年7月-至今为西北大学光子学与光子技术研究讲师,主要从事碳(石墨烯、碳纳米管和多孔碳等)改性微纳米复合材料的设计与制备及其储能领域微的研究(锂/钠/钾离子电池)。入选西北大学优秀博士论文,主持陕西省自然科学基金1项、陕西省教育厅自然科学基金1项、西北大学紫藤计划项目1项和西北大学研究生研究生创新基金2项,参与国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金等省部级及以上项目5项。并在Small, J. Mater. Chem. A, Nanoscale, Chem. Eng. J., Electrochim. Acta等国际权威期刊上共发表SCI论文20余篇,授权专利1篇。
1. Shipeng Zhang, Gang Wang, Zelei Zhang, BeibeiWang*, Jintao Bai*, Hui Wang*, Three-dimensional graphene networks encapsulated with ultra-thin SnS nanosheets@hollow mesoporous carbon spheres nanocomposite with pseudocapacitance-enhanced lithium and sodium storagekinetics, Small, 2019, 1900565.(一区,影响因子:10.856)
2. Beibei Wang, Kai Chen, Gang Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Hui Wang*, Jintao Bai *, Multidimensional andhierarchical carbon-confined cobalt phosphide nanocomposite as advanced anodesfor lithium and sodium storage, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 968–985. (一区,影响因子:6.97)
3. Beibei Wang, Shaobo Cai, Gang Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Hui Wang*, JintaoBai*,Hierarchical NiCo2O4nanosheets grown on hollow carbon microspheres composites for advanced lithiumion half and full batteries, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018,513, 797-808. (二区,影响因子:6.361)
4. Beibei Wang, Xing Zhang, Xiaojie Liu, Gang Wang, HuiWang*, JintaoBai*,Rational design of Fe3O4@C yolk-shellnanorods constituting a stableanode for high-performance Li/Na-ion batteries,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 528, 225-236.(二区,影响因子:6.361)
5. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Hui Wang*, Jintao Bai*,Hierarchicallyporous carbon nanofibers encapsulating carbon coated mini hollow FePnanoparticles for high performance lithium and sodium ion batteries,ChemNanoMat 2018, 4, 924-935. (二区,影响因子:3.379)
6. Beibei Wang, Yuan Xia, Gang Wang*, Yixuan Zhou, Hui Wang*, Core shell MoS2/C nanospheresembedded in foam-like carbon sheets composite with an interconnectedmacroporous structure as stable and high-capacity anodes for sodium ionbatteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309, 417-425. (一区,影响因子:8.335)
7. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Xuemei Cheng, Hui Wang*, Synthesis and electrochemical investigationof core-shell ultrathin NiO nanosheets grown on hollow carbon microspherescomposite for high performance lithium and sodium ion batteries, ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2016, 306, 1193-1202. (一区,影响因子:8.335)
8. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Hui Wang*, Hybrids of Mo2C nanoparticles anchored on graphene sheetsas anode materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 17403-17411. (一区,影响因子:10.733)
9. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Hui Wang*, Synthesis and electrochemical investigation of hollowhierarchical metal oxide microspheres for high performance lithium-ionbatteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 156, 1-10. (一区,影响因子:5.383)
10. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Zhengyuan Lv, Hui Wang*, In situ synthesis of hierarchical CoFe2O4nanoclusters/graphene aerogels and their high performance for lithium-ionbatteries, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 27109-27117. (二区,影响因子:3.567)
11. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Hui Wang*, In situ synthesis of Co3O4/Cu electrode and its high performancefor lithium-ion batteries, Materials Letters, 2014, 122, 186-189. (二区,影响因子:3.019)
12. Beibei Wang, Gang Wang, Zhaozhao Zheng, Hui Wang*, Jintao Bai, Jinbo Bai, Carbon coated Fe3O4hybrid material prepared by chemical vapor deposition for high performancelithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 106(1-9), 235-243. (一区,影响因子:5.383)